This body of work, consisting of nine pieces, began after my last solo show in 1995. It was completed in 2013 and has never been publicly shown. The journey to finalize and why the series took so long is very complicated. They were worked and reworked many times over.
Life events beyond my control added to my discomfort with the direction the pieces had taken. So, I stopped to reevaluate what I wanted to say. My appreciation of art history helped grease my creative wheels and opened up new ideas. I chose some of my favorite artists to collaborate with and started with Wassily Kandinsky.
This marked the turning point for these original nine mixed media works. The Anti-Series officially began in 2001, and they are all nocturnal. At that time, it was my reaction towards 9/11, violence, war, radical extremes, greed, a suffering planet, the art market, and so I went underground and kept on making art.